Traditional application performance management no longer sufficient

Traditional application performance management no longer sufficient

Understanding how applications perform has been somewhat of a mystery for IT departments since the advent of networked applications.

The reason why it’s been so hard is that traditional management tools operate in a bottoms-up manner. That is, each infrastructure component is monitored, usually with its own management tool, and then the data is rolled up to some kind of manager of managers. Application performance management is inferred by trying to correlate the information manually. The problem is today there is far too much data to be analyzed using manual processes.

Nyansa takes a different approach. It provides a top-down view of the infrastructure, so application performance can be determined through the lens of the user instead of the infrastructure. Its Voyance product can be thought of as actual user performance management instead of traditional application performance management. Voyance uses machine language to interpret the massive amounts of data collected at the access edge, including wireless infrastructure.

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